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The power of the retreat. Imagine, you’re in the middle of a vast landscape, miles away from your daily surroundings. No notifications or to-do lists, just space to breathe, and exist.

That’s the essence of a retreat – a moment in which you remove yourself from your everyday life for a minute, and create space for something new. Not just a vacation, but an opportunity to really shift something in the mental space.

The idea behind retreats is simple, but profound

When you place yourself in a totally different situation, you can break the rusty patterns in your head. Our daily lives often keep us trapped in routines and convictions that feel like the only truth. But at a retreat, where everything is different – the surroundings, the people, and even the daily routine – you are essentially forced to look at things from a new perspective. It’s like shaking a snow globe; everything that seemed to be solid, comes loose.

Take for example the retreats that are slightly challenging, like intensive breathing sessions, body-oriented exercises, or completing physical challenges in a group. This approach kind of resembles a boot camp, but focused on the mind rather than muscles. You are challenged to leave your comfort zone, and experience your mental space in a different way. These moments of discomfort are the ones that make room for change. You discover new parts of yourself, and an unexpected clarity on what’s really important is often created.

Have faith in the unfamiliar

I remember a participant of a retreat, who was struggling with severe somberness. During a session in which she was asked to walk blindfolded through an unfamiliar forest, guided by merely the soft sound of someone’s voice, something inside her opened up. She later described how the exercise taught her to have faith in the unknown – something she was barely capable of in her daily life. “I always thought I had to be in control of everything”, she said. “But I discovered that letting go can also ‘carry me’”.

What makes retreats so special is that they are not solely focused on reducing someone’s symptoms, but changing someone’s perspective. It’s not about temporarily reducing your symptoms, but to transform your relationship with those symptoms. The dominance of fear, sadness, or suspicion is being challenged and looked at through different eyes. Suddenly, it looks absolute, and less threatening. This change – however subtle – can have a lasting effect, because it’s not about ‘curing’, but about ‘a different approach’.

The power of the retreat: Experiment with this idea

At PsychosisNet we are experimenting with this idea in the shape of small (at least for now) retreats. Can you imagine how powerful it would be to design retreats specifically for people with sensitivity to psychosis, mood swings, or other mental health issues? We dream of creating locations where these shifts in perspective can take place, guided by therapists and trainers who know how valuable these moments can be.

Imagine a week in which you work on body oriented exercises, expressive art-forms, silent walks, or even something adventurous like a night under the stars. It’s these powerful interventions, in an environment where you feel safe, that can make that difference. You don’t come back ‘cured’, but you do come back ‘changed’. With a fresh outlook, more faith in your own strength new insights to your place in the world.

And no, a retreat is not a magic wand

It requires courage, openness, and sometimes perseverance if it gets a bit tricky. But the magic lies in exactly that trickiness. You discover new ways of looking at yourself, of understanding your suffering, and maybe even of making a start at healing.

What can we do to create more chances like this in mental healthcare? Imagine retreats not being a luxury, but an integral part of the recovery process. Imagine healthcare insurers realizing how crucial these movements are, and actively supporting them. Imagine acknowledging together that healthcare is not just about pills and well meant advice, but about creating space for growth and experimenting.

At PsychosisNet we keep dreaming, experimenting, and building on this future. Because eventually, it is all about that one moment in which you finally feel something has changed, maybe after many years. And that can be the start of something truly wonderful.

Prof. dr. Jim van OsChair Division Neuroscience, Utrecht University Medical Centre. Jim is also Visiting Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. Jim works at the interface of ‘hard’ brain science, health services research, art and subjective experiences of people with ‘lived experience’ in mental healthcare. 

Jim has been appearing on the Thomson-Reuter Web of Science list of ‘most influential scientific minds of our time’ since 2014. In 2014 he published his book ‘Beyond DSM-5‘, and in 2016 the book ‘Good Mental Health Care’. 

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