Getting personal on this episode about the effects of addiction (drugs or alcohol) on the family – and the double challenge when it co-occurs with SMI (Serios Mental Illness) – in our sons’ cases: schizophrenia.
Are we ever really out of the woods? Are our loved ones?
What can we do? What must we let go of?
The 3 moms get personal here. Solutions? We wish we had some – but we do share ideas of actions and attitude.
Maybe you’ll hear your story inside of ours. You are not alone.
What is dual diagnosis? (Co-occuring disorder)
What works? What doesn’t?
“Harm reduction” treatment?12-step programs?
Why is it so hard?
Similar symptoms – delayed SMI diagnosis GriefGrief, Lost Trust, lost timeRelapse disappointment Stronger drugs now
What can the family do?
“Trust, but verify” – blood tests, Urine testsSet your boundaries/rewards/consequences. Do what works – even if your break the rules you thought you knewBalance of letting go/stepping in. Support a healthier community and purposeful activity for our loved ones. Get support or help for yourself (the family) – AlAnon? Therapy? “Know that you’re dealing with something unknowable, and do the best you can” (Mimi)Look for Integrated Care for your loved one – treats both diagnoses togetherKeep watching carefullyBe aware (and providers be aware) that what looks like “just substance abuse” may indeed be early symptoms of SMI – alert the family
Dr. Laitman – listen to our episode 18, June 2021
NAMI Family-to-Family
Book: Beautiful Boy
Schizophrenia Three Moms in the Trenches are :
Randye Kaye -Broadcaster, Actress, Voice Talent, Speaker, and Author (“Ben Behind his Voices”)
Miriam Feldman – Artist, Mom, Author “He Came in With It”
Mindy Greiling – member of the Minnesota House of Representatives for twenty years. Activist, Legislator, Author (“Fix What You Can“)
Want to know more about family/friends of people with psychosis?