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Schizophrenia - Three moms in the trenches Schizophrenia in the Family. How do we cope? How can we help? We each have adult sons with schizophrenia and have written acclaimed books about it. We say it like it is, to help families, practitioners and those with SMI (serious mental illness) feel less alone…and learn. Randye Kaye, Mindy Greiling, Miriam Feldman…and guests.

Getting personal on this episode about the effects of addiction (drugs or alcohol) on the family – and the double challenge when it co-occurs with SMI (Serios Mental Illness) – in our sons’ cases: schizophrenia.

Are we ever really out of the woods? Are our loved ones?

What can we do? What must we let go of?

The 3 moms get personal here. Solutions? We wish we had some – but we do share ideas of actions and attitude.

Maybe you’ll hear your story inside of ours. You are not alone.

What is dual diagnosis? (Co-occuring disorder)

What works? What doesn’t?

“Harm reduction” treatment?12-step programs?

Why is it so hard?

Similar symptoms – delayed SMI diagnosis GriefGrief, Lost Trust, lost timeRelapse disappointment Stronger drugs now

What can the family do?

“Trust, but verify” – blood tests, Urine testsSet your boundaries/rewards/consequences. Do what works – even if your break the rules you thought you knewBalance of letting go/stepping in. Support a healthier community and purposeful activity for our loved ones. Get support or help for yourself (the family) – AlAnon? Therapy? “Know that you’re dealing with something unknowable, and do the best you can” (Mimi)Look for Integrated Care for your loved one – treats both diagnoses togetherKeep watching carefullyBe aware (and providers be aware) that what looks like “just substance abuse” may indeed be early symptoms of SMI – alert the family


Dr. Laitman – listen to our episode 18, June 2021


Cedar Ridge

NAMI Family-to-Family

Book: Beautiful Boy

Schizophrenia Three Moms in the Trenches are :

Randye Kaye -Broadcaster, Actress, Voice Talent, Speaker, and Author (“Ben Behind his Voices”)

Miriam Feldman – Artist, Mom, Author “He Came in With It”

Mindy Greiling – member of the Minnesota House of Representatives for twenty years. Activist, Legislator, Author (“Fix What You Can“)

Want to know more about family/friends of people with psychosis?


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